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Spirituality involves the recognition the the acceptance of god beyond our own intelligence and with whom we can have a relationship. This God can provide an experience of inspiration, happiness, pain free, joy, security, peace of mind, and guidance that goes beyond what is possible.

Spiritual healing is when energy and warmth is sent to a person who needs it. We send treatment to work on the body, mind, spirit, which are seen as one unit that must harmonise for good health and well being. This can be done from a long distance, or hands on approach, If hands on... the healer will place his or her hands on the person being treated to channel the energy from the Higher Source. The spiritual healing can help mental and emotional problems and physical conditions such as joint aches and pains including back pain.

How to send energy long-distance Anyone can send good vibes to somebody else long - distance, effect will not be same as one of trained healer, but, love and light which you send will be received, if it is pure and unconditional. You can lit the candle, or look at the sun, and imagine the light which is flowing out from your open heart to other person, you can sing or pray, and flow of your positivity will be received by person to whom you were sending it, immediately, or in appropriate time.

You can heal so many hurt relationships, or improved already good ones, you can heal so many sufferings - yours or somebody else's. Yes, on that way you can even heal the things which happened in your past, or influence the future.

There is no time and space in the world of energy, only love matters and flows without border, freely, illuminating and transforming every pain and suffering.

Power of love is above all!

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